Monthly Archives: February 2013

More CSA spaces will be available in May!

Our meat CSA is still open! And as you may have noticed, the Vegetable and Egg CSA have temporarily sold out. We are so happy to have everyone on board with us again this year. We will re-open sign-ups for the remaining shares once the season is well underway and our new batch of laying hens start doing their part. Please send us your e-mail address so that we can update you when more shares become available.

A quick update for our Veggie CSA members: Mother Nature has decided that our farm’s path to March’s first CSA delivery would be an uphill one. As you recall, storm damage relieved us of 1/3 of our protected growing space for early Spring. And quickly following that unfortunate event, a subsequent monsoon relieved us of most of the seeds in our lower fields. We have been working tirelessly ever since to make sure we’ll have enough of the quality and variety of vegetables that we regularly provide this time of year.  This is why we have cut-off sign-ups prematurely and plan to re-open sign-up again come May.

All that being said, the first shares of the season may seem comparatively light next to the share boxes to come later in the Spring, Summer and Fall. This is usually the case, but I feel that a reminder is in order each year and especially this one. For 2013, White Oak Pastures is your farm and what occurrences mother nature doles out will directly effect all of our plates equally. That’s the beauty of a CSA, your membership grants you an intimate seasonal experience that tethers and binds all of us together to the highs and lows of the season, distributing the risks and rewards to 100 families instead of one. So, we may begin our journey in the cold and wet of spring with abundant greens upon greens and we may end it with so many peppers and eggplant we can’t see straight. But all along the way, I promise that my days (and most nights) will be wholly dedicated to making sure you and your family are well fed and receiving your money’s worth.

Here’s a picture of what the recent rains brought us. We just dried out long enough to get potatoes in the ground, but we’ve lost the young beets, carrots and radishes that were planned for harvest in March. Replacement beds have been planted already and the farm crew is staying positive. Meanwhile, the greenhouse is busting at the seams with new transplants waiting on dry weather to prep new beds. With all this waiting on the weather, don’t be surprised if you see some canned goodies from last fall’s harvest in your early share-boxes. We’ll see you in March!


Categories: CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) | 6 Comments

WINTER CSA: February

Well, we’re going to call it winter anyway. I checked the calendar again this morning, it is February. And so I checked the thermometer again mid-day and I became confused, because there I learned that it was instead April. All of the warmer than normal weather has caused  rapid growth in the high tunnels and prompted us to hedge our bets by putting a few more items in the field than we normally would. Some of you may remember we lost some cabbage plants last year because we were to greedy. I think we’ve got a better shot this year though.

I really appreciate everyone’s understanding and flexibility allowing us to deliver one week early. This, of course, marks the final Winter CSA delivery. And it’s packed with deliciousness! Wait til you see what’s all in the Family Meat share – WOW! But of course, the veggies were the ones that punctuated the early delivery. With the recent storm destroying our Hoop-house structure, we needed some more protected real estate to assure a strong opening for the Full Season CSA in March. We’ve been preparing all winter for the 2013 season and we invite all of you to join us again if you have not already signed up. The picture slideshow below offers some hints of what awaits this year – All those baby chicks will start laying more and more wonderful eggs, and all of the winter cover crops are now being tilled in to help improve soil conditions which will lead to healthier and more productive plants (and there are a couple of pictures of the new refrigerated trailer we’re building which will help us add Tallahassee’s delivery each Saturday). I’m so excited about growing for you this year and I’m honored to have had the chance to raise food for you and your family through this winter season. Thank you all for your continuing support, encouragement, and commitment. We could not do any of this without you.

And now, some pictures, and your grocery list…

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Meat CSA: (call us on Mondays for any additional a la carte orders: 229-641-2081 – web orders click here)

Individual Meat Share:

1 x Whole Chicken small

1 x Party Wings (2.5 lbs)

1 x Ground Beef (1 lb)

1 x Ground beef patties (3×5.3 oz)

Family Meat Share:

2 x Whole Chicken small

1 x Party Wings (2.5 lbs)

4 x Ground Beef (1 lb)

1 x Ground beef patties (3×5.3 oz)

2 x Ground Chicken (1 lb)

2 x NY Strip Steaks (12oz)

2 x Tenderloin Filets (8oz)

1 x Stir Fry Beef (1 lb)

1 x Cube Steak (1 lb)

Pasture Raised Eggs: 

1 dozen for Individual or 4 dozen for family share: Beautiful brown eggs from our own lovely ladies that range freely on certified organic pasture. The eggs are washed, candled and graded fresh for you each week.

(Want another dozen – or are you not on the Egg CSA? Call to order this week and we’ll bring them to you : 229-641-2081)

**Also, please tell your friends and family who live near Atlanta that our eggs are now available in all 8 Atlanta Whole Foods Markets. We rely on word of mouth so much and as CSA members, you know our story best. Thanks again to all of you who help spread the word each week.

Certified Organic Vegetables: 

Salad Mix – Enough fresh lettuce greens and baby brassica leaves to provide salad for the whole family.

Braising Mix – Arugula and Friends (Tat Soi, Purple Mustard and Mizuna) help spice up a stir-fry, an omelettes or create a delicious side with any Steak!

Surprise Kale or Collards – Nothing beats winter greens. Toscano, Red Russian or Winterbor Kale or Good old Georgia Collards.

Ruby Red Swiss Chard  – Green goodness, so healthy and delicious!

Carrots – These are still some beefy carrots, Best winter crop yet. Enjoy!

Purple Cabbage – They take forever to grow in the winter. I’m so glad to have that bed space back. Please enjoy these!

French Breakfast Radishes – Mmmmm – so tender and perfect. Top-off your salad or mix up with your Hakurei turnips for a scrumptious side dish drizzled with EVOO, sea salt and rosemary.

Hakurei Turnips – The absolute best salad turnip I have ever eaten. Please try them raw. Amazing taste and texture!

Parsley – Your herb of the month is either curled or flat leaf.  Either way, the fragrance of this fresh herb is to die for. Try a spring tabouli with some diced carrots, turnips, radishes and either sauteed chard or braising mix. 

Garlic – Just a handful of loose cloves for seasoning. We saved all of our harvest last year for seed stock. We have so much Garlic in the field this year and we can’t wait to share it with you. Stay tuned for beautiful fresh garlic in 2013!

Categories: CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) | Leave a comment

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