Monthly Archives: February 2014

2014 Winter CSA: Share 6

Greetings again, friends and neighbors! I know that your refrigerators are now sorely in need of a healthy infusion of verdant vitality! Well, you’re in luck this week, because the greens they are a coming! There are more carrots and pecans on the way too, but your family doctor will high-five you for all the meals you can plan off of this weeks grocery list. The sun has been kind in drying out the soil just long enough too to actually get some seeds and plants into the ground so Spring is looking promising. It’s easy to get spring fever right now and then one last late freeze will reach out and remind you who’s boss. But the rumor mill is suggesting that we’re in the clear down here on our latitude. As always, we play it safe by planting multiple successions of each crop.

So with better weather on the horizon, we’re gearing back up with more tree plantings, kick-starting the Biodiesel brewing, an explosion of new egg layers producing, and a real-estate crunch in the greenhouse as it overflows with baby plants awaiting hardening off and transplanting. Everyone’s working so hard each day and with each minute more of sunlight we gain; we grow that much more grateful for the promise of spring and the joy we share in growing this delicious food we share every week. Thank you all so much for enjoying this journey with us. And I hope that you’re telling your friends about the upcoming full season. We still have openings in each of our drop-off locations.

Finally, big thanks to everyone who’s taking advantage of the discounted on-line meat orders this winter. We’ve had alot of positive responses and this week marks a record number of orders. Keep it up! It sure makes the drive work out better financially when we have a full truck!

Here’s a look around the farm this past week and then on to the menu…



Spinach – This is what winter tastes like. Lovin it!

Pecans – Picked here on the farm and Cracked locally. I really hope you enjoy them!

Lettuce mix – A mix of red and green varieties. Just enough for a few good salads, try yours with pecans!

Head Lettuce – Looking extra good this week! Welcome to Lettuce season!!!

Brassica Bouquet – The tokyo bekana, komatsuna, and Hon Tsai Tai are starting to flower but they can all still be stir-fried and enjoyed. Even the flowers are edible. We hope you will love them as much as we’ve been over the past week.

Herb – Dill, Baby fennel bulbs, or Cilantro

Chinese Cabbage – The last of the winter Chinese Cabbage. Great stuff!

Carrots  – Scarlet Nantes and Yellowstones. gorgeous tasty carrots.

Collards OR Swiss Chard  – More greenery! Just in case you had an extra square inch of space in your crisper.


Categories: CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) | Leave a comment

**CSA Week Change

Greetings, Winter CSA family! Due to slower than normal winter growth down here on the South Georgia tundra, we are rescheduling the last 3 CSA deliveries.  Your next deliveries will take place on the following weeks:

Share 6: Week of February 24

Share 7: Week of March of 3

Share 8: Week of March 10

This extra week will give us a chance to let the winter greens make a much anticipated comeback. It will also allow a couple of us to attend the Georgia Organics Conference.  While we’re there, we’ll learn a few more tricks of the trade and glean strength and positive energy from friends and farmers that we always look forward to seeing each year. 

Thank you for your flexibility with the switch, your patience waiting one more week on your add-on orders, and your continued support. Much love!

Categories: CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) | Leave a comment

2014 Winter CSA: Share 5

Watch out, we got pecans this week! They’re pre-cracked, not shelled or cleaned. So we’ve done most of the work, and you just have to finish ’em off. Some shell is good for you though, puts a little grit in your craw!

But before I start in talking about all the great veggies this week, I must immediately thank all of our new members for 2014! We’re so happy you’ve decided to join the party. And thanks to your early financial commitment, we’ve been able to pull the trigger on some much needed purchases. A new double layer of plastic on the greenhouse where Farmer Lori starts all of our transplants, and a second hi-tunnel where we’re growing frost sensitive crops for early Spring harvest. And as long as memberships keep rolling in, we’ll start installing electric and irrigation to the new fields where potatoes are planned for planting on Valentine’s Day!

Many of you have asked about the grain bin cabin. It’s coming along really nicely and I’ve provided some more photos below. The walls are completed but the weather halted our plastering efforts. We will start up again next week so if anyone wants to learn how to mix and apply cob or clay/sand plaster please email me to sign up for a volunteer day next week. All volunteers get a lunch on me and I’ll try to send you home with some goodies from the farm too. Just wear your favorite play clothes and shoes that you won’t mind turning some shade of clay.

Alright, back to the food! We’ve got some greenery despite all of the freezing weather we’ve witnessed. The carrots are sweeter than ever and growth in the salad greens and head lettuce surprised everyone. The baby chicks we started back in the fall are beginning to lay their first eggs so don’t be surprised if we start doubling down on mediums in the future. (That means 2 medium dozens for the price of 1 large) As always, please just remember to return all of your clean cartons for us to reuse.

Finally, a quick note on the meat orders. Please don’t take  the red crate. There are usually multiple orders inside of the red crates. Leave it at your pick-up location. Please only take your plastic bag or bags  with your name tag on it. Please pass along this info if someone else is picking up for you too.

Thanks everyone! You are the best CSA family in the entire world and I love you all!

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Spinach – This is what winter tastes like. Lovin it!

Pecans – Picked here on the farm and Cracked locally. We’re not set up to clean and shell them. And we’re not a commercial pecan farm so there may be some bad ones that snuck past us. These are my favorite tree nut in the world, and you can imagine how much time went into giving everybody a pound of cracked nuts. I really hope you enjoy them!

Lettuce mix – A mix of red and green varieties. Just enough for a few good salads, try yours with pecans!

Head Lettuce – These surprised everyone! Beautiful and delicious!

Bunching Onions – Perfect little culinary addition for any dish

Herb – Rosemary, Dill, Parsley or Sage

Cabbage OR Chinese Cabbage – Still holding strong despite the freeze. Although some frost damage may be present.

Carrots  – Scarlet Nantes and Yellowstones. gorgeous tasty carrots. We have running water this week, so they’ll be

Hakurei Turnips – Tender mild and lovely


Categories: CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) | 4 Comments

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