White Oak Pastures goes non-GMO

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For years, we have wanted to make the change to non-GMO feed for our poultry, pigs, and rabbits, but we struggled to find a feed mill that could handle our volume. Recently, we were able to find a supplier to consistently deliver non-GMO feed to White Oak Pastures, and we are proud to announce that our poultry, eggs, pork, and rabbits are now non-GMO and verified by the Non-GMO Project.

We have received many customer requests for non-GMO products, stemming from the fact that none of us really know what effects GMOs could have on the animals, the environment, and us. We are farmers, not scientists, but we do know that genetically engineering plants is very new. We won’t know the effects of GMOs for a long time, and we want to do what’s right for our farm and our customers right now.

In all of our practices we endeavor to emulate nature. Our best emulation of nature is imperfect, and our worst emulation of nature is still in need of improvement. Improving these emulations is a journey and it is our mission. Today we are excited to take one more step down this path.

Categories: Animal Welfare, Regenerative Land Management | Tags: , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “White Oak Pastures goes non-GMO

  1. Doreen Jane Irwin

    Yay!!! Thank you! Awesome. [😊]


  2. Clarissa E. Pipes


  3. Natalie B

    Awesome news!! However I guess all this time I just assumed with your high standards that you already were NON GMO…

  4. Connie Brinley

    Thank you! The responsible human will always try to protect our earth, our people and animals. Supporting a non-GMO business ethic will continue to educate and protect our future!

  5. Barbara P

    YAY, I’m so glad you understand the concerns of GMO’s and the problems that it causes the animals that are fed these FrankenFoods!!

  6. Excellent! I sure wish I lived nearby. I have yet to find GMO free pork in my area.

  7. Sharon

    Supporting non-GMO causes me to not support you. The science is VERY clear that GMO products are safe and are the only way we will be able to feed the world in the future. The long term effects are none- and that has been widely documented. Disappointed that you are allowing fear to be your way of marketing your product.

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